Thursday, March 31, 2011


Currently I'm visiting Reformed Theological Seminary - Orlando.  I would love to give you a beautiful sunny full campus shot like this one from the website:

Problem is it is currently monsooning outside as a tornado warning danced around us all day (don't worry Mom, no serious danger).  From my seat, the view looks more like this:

I have to admit, though, that I do enjoy thunderstorms so I'm not really complaining.  However, it was amusing the first 2 hours I was here yesterday when everyone I met with ended our conversation with, "And nothing beats the weather here in Orlando."  The severe storms have not stopped since.  Now everyone says, "Too bad you chose this week to visit."  Love it.
Speaking of my visit, I do love it.  This is frustrating.  I came to RTS Orlando pretty confident that I would be going to Covenant Seminary, but wanting to be thorough and certain of my decision.  In my head it went something like this:  

After visiting Covenant:  "Covenant rocks!...RTS Orlando can't be as good is this so I'm going to Covenant."
Visit RTS Orlando:  "This place stinks compared to Covenant.  Good thing I made that decision!"

Well, the problem has arisen that RTS Orlando doesn't stink (duh, I really didn't believe it would but one can hope).  In fact, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here.  Particularly I love that Covenant and RTS-Orlando are both steeped in the reformed tradition yet more concerned with being a follower of Christ than with creating Christian factions. You may or may not know what I mean by "reformed" (maybe I will do a short post soon explaining what being reformed means), but often the reformed camp of theology can make people very "heady", isolated from the world, and Pharisaic.  I am not interested in a seminary that is seeking to develop this type of person, and am very pleased with both Covenant and RTS-Orlando's position on this matter.  

This morning I spent some time with Dr. John Frame asking him about this very thing and he said, "Yeah, I try to beat that out of them pretty good when they get here."  Good stuff.  I need someone to beat a few things out of me!

So, there you have it.  RTS-Orlando has ruined my perfect plan of choosing a seminary.  I'm now waiting anxiously for Britt and Kyle Osborne to come pick me up and take me to Tampa to hang out for a few days!  Please be praying for me this coming week as I wrestle through which of these great seminaries to attend, and making a decision.


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